We have over 30 years of experience in forming companies offshore
Offshore is now a relatively simple and affordable procedure for almost anyone. Once having moved all or part of your business offshore, the savings made by the low-tax or tax-free status opens up a whole new world of investment and business opportunities. All those who are interested in minimization of costs are often express interest to use of the offshore entities:
High net wealth individuals: International Investors, Entrepreneurs, Property Owners
TNCs: Financial institutions and Financial institutions
The Offshore Sovereign States
Clients often ask which offshore area is the best for company incorporation. The answer really depends on the intended use of the offshore entity and the client’s own personal or business reasons.
There are more than 50 jurisdictions worldwide providing offshore company legislation, and selecting the most suitable jurisdiction requires very careful consideration.
There are a number of factors to consider:
The political and economic stability of the jurisdiction in question.
Its corporate legislation should be able to guarantee confidentiality and privacy.
Auditing and other statutory compliance requirements, exchange controls and banking facilities, double taxation avoidance treaties, etc.
The cost of incorporation, domiciliation and professional services in the desired offshore center.